Thursday, July 9, 2009

The people were out again

Today the people went out again in protest to election results and the post election behavior of the regime. The number in Tehran is not confirmed but it should be in an order of few thousands! It is not at all comparable with after election numbers of protesters, but after 3 weeks, and considering that it has been banned to protest, and the occasion that is an important occasion for students not all different groups of the nation, makes even such scales interesting. I believe that the hope is not dead there, and that's the most important point. Chanting on the roof tops have been reported to be more severe than before. Police and paramilitary forces have been heard to put down the demonstrations before they shape, in the most prominent parts of the city.

The type of slogans has been changed and today they have been direct addresses to the supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khameneyi and his son who is intensively named to take control of anti rebellion forces specially the revolutionary guards and Basij paramilitary. The people are also seen demonstrating with a happier look dancing and singing and chanting. It looks for me like the very first days of demonstrations in Tehran just after the election results have been announced, at that time the numbers were not that huge, it has changed to massive proportions after the Mousavi came out for the first time. If it goes like this it would be very good, since it can demoralize at least a part of security forces. If such demonstrations happen more often they will be effective, since they are less dangerous than the huge ones and more difficult to crack down if they happen simultaneously at different parts of the cities. They erode the security forces in long term.

There have been reports that people were mostly willing to walk towards Revolution square and march from there to Freedom Square, the same route that they have used a few times to mak ethe monster rallies. And it is heard the highest priority of the security forces have been trying to stop the demontraters reach any of the fore said squares in Tehran and atop them from forming big clusters. No reports still from other cities. There are reports of clashes between the people and security forces and paramilitary in front of the entrance of University of Tehran. There are also rumors that the paramilitary forces has attacked one or two dormitories of the Amir Kabir University of Technology in Tehran beating the dorm guards and students and vandalizing the properties of the students.

I add some links to video from Tehran:

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